Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cindy’s house is on the market. April is progressing toward getting her own place. Cindy’s daughter found a house. Ruth and Cathy are back with us. Dede is also back with us. Kimi is thankful to be here after a tough week. Priscilla’s friend’s court proceeding went well.
Pray for Anita. She is ok, but had a tough time in dialysis. Keep praying for Max. Pray for Kimi having circulation problems. Keep Priscilla in prayer. She is still having swelling and pain, especially after therapy. Priscilla prays for those in her family who need Jesus. Keep praying for Ruth, Linda, and Don. Pam sent along a request for her friend Michelle to get a home. Pray for Edith as she continues to seek answers from her doctors and may need surgery. Keep Cindy’s neighbor Wanda in prayer. Pray that she finds a helper when Cindy moves on. Dede asks prayer for pain in her back and elsewhere. Remember Brenda’s cousin’s baby. He is doing better. Pray for her friends’ marriage.