Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Don is doing better and expects to be able to return to work in February. Cindy expects to get a new roof this week. Ruth and Cathy are doing well. Anita is back home.
Pris and Kimi did not join us because she took Kimi to urgent care with the cough and breathing difficulty. I’m still fighting the cough. Remember Ruth as they await further details on the cancer diagnosis. Keep praying for Dede. Becky fell and hurt her leg so that she doesn’t want to walk on it. Brenda had an unspoken request. Pray for Cindy’s neighbor Wanda. She has an upcoming medical appointment and had a rough week. Brenda asks prayer for two coworkers, Sheila who lost her father and Shelby who lost her mother. Keep praying for my father. Debra asked us to pray for her uncle who lost a good friend to Covid-19.
Be an answer to prayer this week!