Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We all took a moment to say something that we are thankful for. I couldn’t keep up, but I’m thnkful we could all think of something. 🙂 Edith is thankful for improved conditions at work. Priscilla’s sister went through her surgery well with no complications. Kimi enjoyed spending time with her aunt yesterday. Cathy is thnkful that Ruth got through her doctor visit and for a new air conditioner. Brenda is thankful that her initial meeting went well at work and the bus driver she asked prayer for last year is doing better.
Keep praying for Don’s health. Cathy asks prayer for friends Vickie and Deborah who have been diagnosed with cancer. Pray for Jerry Gibson. He is now in rehab, having finished his first round of chemo and not able to walk. Bobbi has been admitted to the hospital with breathing difficulty. Tim is still at parkland. Kimi asks prayer for a friend Josh who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Another friend Detiny has covid. Pris asks prayer for Randy and Robin who also have the virus. She asks prayer for her friend Tony. I lost the details. Pray for Kimi’s legs and she is having more stomach trouble. Debra is still recovering. Pray for Clarke and Shelly.
I did not get them all. Pray for each other this week.