Yes, it’s a bit late…ok a lot late, but this was my first opportunity to get it done. I am sorry. Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cathy is thankful to have Ruth with her. Priscilla enjoyed getting to go to a birthday party. Shelly was found not to have Corona and sent home. It is good to know Dede was back at church. I could not hear what she was saying on the recording. Priscilla will not need surgery.
Ruth was treated for an abscess last week and has been having more fainting episodes. She’s having another procedure tomorrow. Cathy’s cousin is having or perhaps by now has had eye surgery. I could not catch the name. Kimi has been having more trouble with leg swelling. Tim had another fall while they were getting ready to come to church. (I called Cindy when I heard this and he is in pain but getting better.) Pray for Pris’s sister Jo who will be hiving her surgery this month and for her husband who also needs surgery for cervical fractures. Priscilla prays for wisdom in decisions she needs to make. Don has new medical issues. Brenda asks prayer for a retired driver who just lost her daughter and son-in-law in a car accident, leaving children behind. The children were also hospitalized due to the accident. Her name is Deborah. Keep Jerry Gibson in prayer as he continues his battle with cancer.
Be blessed, and be a blessing!