Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Just about everyone who was there reported a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday spent with family and friends. Cathy is thankful Ruth and she got home safely after a blowout last Monday.
Priscilla was out sick with a virus. Pray for Kelvin. We didn’t get to talk to him this week but he has been sick with pneumonia. We’re still trying to get in touch with Edith to make sure she is ok. Tim was home with a fever. Pray for Benny’s x-sister-in-law and family as they have had a death in the family. I am not clear on the name. Benny has a persistent cough that does not seem to be responding to treatment. Don sees the cardiologist today and has the surgery for the dialysis port on Wednesday. Ruth is scheduled for an EKG today. Pray for Cathy’s grandson Paul who had an emergency appendectomy last Friday. Keep praying for Anita. She may be on Dialysis before year-end. Brenda’s back has been hurting. Pray about the situation in their home. Pray for our church. Keep praying for Shelly and Clarke.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!