Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Kelly is here today! Ruth praises the Lord that she is here today and continuing to get better. Kelly is glad to be back. Tim rejoices in a job change that will mean better hours. Pam is thankful for the Lord’s privision, grace, and mercy. Didi is thankful to be here after gas from her stove filled her home. Lupe had one I didn’t really catch. Brenda reports that Shelly is going to be able to get surgery that she needs. Anita rejoices in feeling better and walking without a cane. Jane got a good report card.
Kimi has pneumonia. She is not able to get out of bed. Priscilla has stayed to look after her. Mary and the children are home ssick. Kelly wants us to pray for her. Pray for the family of Linda’s friend Anngela who passed away last week. Keep praying for Chris’s brother-in-law Rusty who has had another stroke. Keep praying for Linda also. Cindy prays for Mary who wants to get employment that will give her more time with her children. Pam still wants to establish relationship with her mother.
Be an answer to prayer this week.