Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Don is thankful to be working things out at his job while he works on his health. Keep him in prayer. Brenda and he are thankful for some time off. Debra is thankful to have a bill paid off. She also got the trip she was concerned about. We’re all thankful to have power back. Linda and I are grateful for a helpful neighbor who lent us a generator while ours was out for almost 3 days.
Brenda asks prayer for a relative who just had heart surgery. I lost track of the details. Don’s procedure is on the 13th. Barbara is experiencing pain again. Debra asks prayer for her nephew’s wife who suffered a heart attack and life threatening brain damage. Her name is Cara. Pray for Scott who now has lung cancer. Keep praying for Linda’s brother, and keep praying for Benny. Pray for Jim and those with him.