Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pris is glad to be here after a hectic morning. April enjoyed time with a friend. Linda is feeling better. Cathy is thankful that Gary’s family is getting timewith his mother-in-law. Don and Brenda had a good week.
Remember Edith (Tootsie ). Remember Cathy’s friend Teresa. There was another name I missed who is fighting cancer. Shelly asked for prayer regarding medical issues. Remember Kay as she struggles with pain. Pray for her brother too. Debra asks prayer for herself and her mom. B.J. Asked for prayer. Pray for Deedee. Cathy asked for prayer regarding promblems with her neck. Pray for Don’s health and insurance issues. Pray for my family. Pray for Mary, Lindsey’s mother-in-law, with cancer. Keep praying for Kimi. She is barely able to walk now. Remember Leann and Zach.