Sunday February 12, 2012 ” Following our questions”
This week I am going preach on some of the questions that were raised in being a disciple. The scripture verses this week are in the Gospel of John the 20Th chapter starting in verse 24 through 31. This is the story of Thomas, a disciple, making statements and asking questions that we need to look at. Can we question God? Why do things happen like they do? Is there a reason for the problems and suffering we are going through? I hope you will be in Church this week as we follow our questions and see where they lead us.
Please remember to pray for those mentioned in the prayer request last week. You can find them listed in the “Prayer room” on our web site. All of us are going to need the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ at one time or another. Aren’t you glad to know that when you need prayer there is a group of people who are lifting you up in prayer and care enough about you that they will be for you in your time of need. The reason we come together in church on Sunday is to charge our battery and lift our spirits. You cannot get this jolt of inspiration if you just go to church to due your duty to God. You have to want to be there and receive God’s word and be ready to share yourself with your neighbor. Please join us on Sunday and lets keep doing good things in Jesus name. We love you and can’t wait to see you Sunday!!
Pastor David& Pris