Re: Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 11
Priscilla says that her neighbor Bobby who has come here a few times is now sick and having a hard time. Keep him in your prayers.
Continue reading →Priscilla says that her neighbor Bobby who has come here a few times is now sick and having a hard time. Keep him in your prayers.
Continue reading →We’re glad to have John back with us today and he’s just glad that he woke up. Pam had money given to her yesterday at the store. Teresa is gladd to be here and that her brother is responding to treatment. Kim is thankful for a good week and for fri…
Continue reading →Pastor David illustrates from Luke 12:13-21 what happens when we put our faith in what we have instead of the One who gave it to us.
Continue reading →Priscilla speaks of being an effective Christian and issues a call to action
Continue reading →Ruth says Kingston’s leuchemia is in remission and he is doing better. Pam is thankful that her relationship with The Lord is growing. It was good to see Frances today. We’re thankful that the van is working again. Thanks to Tim for doing the work …
Continue reading →What is the source of suffering and why does God permit it? (1 Co 12:7-10)
Continue reading →Priscilla offers some practical advice from the Bible on addressing life’s little problems before they become big ones.
Continue reading →It’s good to have Cathy back with us feeling better. Pastor David is all better too. Dede praises God because she was feeling sick yesterday but is better now. Linda and I appreciated the opportunity to meet a neighbor and visit a local church this …
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