Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore for September 1
Priscilla offers encouragement from John 13
Continue reading →Priscilla offers encouragement from John 13
Continue reading →I wanted to add a couple of things that came up after I posted. Benny is out of the hospital but they need to do more once his blood count has recoverd. Pray for little Jane who is due to start school this week but now has a feever.
Continue reading →Don says the man we were praying for last week with carbon monoxide poisoning is out of the hospital and doing better. Ruth is thankful that she’s ok after falling at her home on Wednesday. Pam is thankful for a nice time at a birthday party and that…
Continue reading →Pastor David offers perspective on disability from Luke 13:10-17
Continue reading →Many of us know the story of the man who was let down through the roof and heal by Jesus from Mark 2, but Priscilla points out the best part of this account.
Continue reading →Linda and I were blessed to spend time with the family yesterday for my mom’s birthday. Lupe’s granddaughter will be able to get an apartment. She’s the one we mentioned last week who was having to move due to foreclosure. DDede thanks The Lord that…
Continue reading →Please pray! Cathy’s husband Benny is in ICU @ Baylor battling kidney problems. Please pray 4 comfort 4 Benny, peace 4 his family & wisdom 4 the doctors 2 find and fix his problems and return him 2 health ASAP. Thank U Jesus! Amen!
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