Hello BBT family and friends! I have the honor of sharing with you again this Sunday, and I’m always excited to see what God will show us in His Word. We had a wonderful celebration last week. Pastor David read the Christmas story as is our tradition and challenged us to hear its message. We especially appreciate the good people of The Heights Baptist Church who provided the food and gifts. Special thanks also goes out to Diana Stevens who again made the elaborate Christmas baskets for everyone this year full of all kinds of good things.
This week I want to wish you happy holidays. Are you wondering what’s going on? Now even ministers aren’t saying “merry Christmas?” Well before you ask me to step down, come and hear the message.
Do you know what people are saying to you when they say “happy holidays”? I’ll bet in most cases they don’t either. Maybe they’re just doing what they are told. Maybe they really want to be “inclusive.” But what they are really saying is “happy holy days.” And you know what? I am just going to say “thank you” from now on and maybe wish them the same, because I plan to do just that. Every day should be a holy day. Every day belongs to God. Every day should be devoted to serving Him.
We have chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25. The date is probably months off, but that’s not really the point. I don’t think it matters that much to Him as long as we honor Him in what we do. We can get into some big fights over days. People are very attached to their traditions and the memories that have been built around them. I don’t think they are fights worth having. What I do hope for is that however or if we celebrate Christmas, we conduct ourselves in a way that pleases the One it’s supposed to be about.
So let’s have a look at holy days. There were a lot of them in the old testament. We won’t have time to really examine them closely, but when you see the symbolism in them and how they relate to the life and purpose of Jesus, it will bless you. We were given no special days under the new covenant, but we were given this admonition.
One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. (Romans 14:5 NASB)
Worship the Lord in special ways on special days if you are moved to do so. Permit your brothers and sisters the freedom to do as their own conscience dictates. Let’s all have happy holidays!
Come join us on Sunday!
Oh, and merry Christmas! 🙂
With love