Blessings to you, family and friends of Bartimaeus Baptists Temple. As I write this, the wind is blowing and I think I hear thunder rumbling in the distance. But I’m still seeing the Son! We had a great time last Sunday with our Resurrection Day celebration. I so enjoy doing that message. Thanks to everyone who contributed something to the dinner after the service, and special thanks again to Pastor David’s neighbor Diana Stevens for the gift baskets.
Our pastor will be on vacation next week, so I have the honor of speaking to you again. We’ve studied what happened at the cross and when. We’ve studied the facts and essential nature of the resurrection to our faith. This Sunday we’ll explore what it means for our lives. Our starting passage will be Acts 1:3-8. As I read this morning, I noticed something. The disciples still didn’t get it! They had seen him risen from the dead. They now had a better understanding of what had just happened. Luke tells us that he shared with them over a period of forty days after He was raised. But look what they ask Him. It’s the same question they had before He died. They wanted to know if that was the time he was going to restore the kingdom of Israel. They still did not see the bigger mission. Jesus didn’t come just to save Israel. He came to save the whole world!
Do we get it, or do we too get caught up in lesser concerns? Journey with me as we explore the process that God used to accomplish His purposes in the newborn church. Let’s see what we can learn about God’s mission for us today. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!
In His love