Message by Pastor David Whitmore for August 6: What Are You Hungry For?

This week I talk about a story that is found in all four of the gospels. I am going to be in Matthew the 14Th chapter vs 13-21. This is the amazing story of Jesus feeding over 5000 people with … Continue reading →
Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore for August 6
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for July 30: The Shepherd King

In this podcast I talk about King David. I don’t know, but I think he’s probably the best known Bible character besides Jesus Himself. From childhood we hear about how he killed Goliath. He is called a man after God’s … Continue reading →
Sunday School by Linda Thacker for July 30: Save, Snatch, Repeat

Linda draws from the recent tragedy of a woman in a wheelchair who died in a house fire to urge us to make sure we have working smoke alarms, but more importantly, to be God’s smoke alarms, warning people away … Continue reading →
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for July 23: What is Repentance?

This week I bring a message on Repentance. It is a word that some young people may not even recognize. It is a word that is mostly used in religious circles. Repentance is part of what we as Christians need … Continue reading →
Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore for July 23

Priscilla describes what happens when we let our circumstances pull us away from our relationship with God.
Continue reading →Message by Pastor David Whitmore for July 16: Remembering Galen Rich

Galen Rich passed away on Thursday, July 6, 2017. We are so sad that we lost a good friend and faithful member of BBT. As I was thinking about Mr. Rich I thought about how death is something we cannot … Continue reading →
Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore for July 16

Priscilla teaches us to keep our eyes on Jesus in the storms of life. Following the lesson members share there memories of Galen Rich.
Continue reading →Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for July 9: What If God Gives You What You Want?

This week I talk about Saul. He doesn’t exactly fit the deliverer pattern we’ve been following. One of the commentators I read called him a type of the antichrist instead of a type of christ. Saul was Israel’s first king. … Continue reading →