Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Priscilla has finished her PT after her knee surgery. April has lost weight. Edith rejoices to have avoided another accident yesterday. Dede is thankful for everyone who has helped her.
The Terrells are all home sick. Kimi has strep and bronchitis on top of her other issues. Anita is in the hospital with extremely low sugar and breathing troubles. Ruth’s knee is really hurting her and she will be seeing a doctor this week about surgery. Don is now potentially in need of two surgeries and has to see a cardiologist first. Keep praying for Kelly and Dede. Brenda’s neighbor has a sister Gloria who is probably leaving this world soon. Edith asks prayer for her health. The doctors have not been much help. Brenda asks prayer for a little girl who rides her bus who seems to have a problem staying awake. Her name is Kendra. Pray for April and family.
Be an answer to prayer this week!