Pray with us and rejoice with us.
Priscilla was not with us today because she took Kimi to the ER with severe pain. As of this writing we have not had an update. Keep Tim in your prayers as he sees a Neurologist this week to plan more scans. Cindy also wants prayer for her health as she will go to get tested for Diabetes this week. Edith asks prayer for the family of a little girl who died of complications from the flu this week. The story was in in the local news. It was her neighbor’s granddaughter. Pray for the Pray for the Grinage family. Keep praying for Lisa. She is officially on hospice care now from the cancer. Don has more testing ahead this week in preparation for a potential kidney transplant. Cathy will have a spot tested for skin cancer this week. Debra asks continued prayer for her stepfather Tim. He is progressing well. Leanne needs to find a job. Anita asks prayer for her aunt Margaret and for her sons. Keep praying for Linda.
Cathy is thankful for an uneventful week. Debra is thankful to still be pain free. We are all thankful for God’s provision.
Use what you have for His glory this week. Let Him answer prayer through you!