Rejoice with us and pray with us
Bobbie is thankful for her daughter Leanne turning 21 in a couple of weeks. Tim’s needed surgery has been scheduled. He continues to improve. Travis enjoyed getting to play and have candy yesterday. 🙂 Leanne had a praise that I think had something to do with her schooling that did not come through on the recording. Mary got admitted to an online university and is well on her way to getting her degree. Ruth got to spend time with her son last week. She is thankful to be feeling better today. Mary praises the Lord that the children are doing well in school and asks prayer for problem areas.
Priscilla did get in touch with Dede. She is staying with someone in Innis at the moment. Pray that she finds a permanent, safe, and stable living situation. Cathy asks that we pray for Pat Cooper, who had emergency bypass surgery recently. He led music at our church briefly before Don. Anita asks prayer for Gracie, mother of her daughter-in-law, who recently had a debilitating stroke. Keep praying for Anita’s aunt Margret also. Anita has medical tests coming up. Kimi passed out twice yesterday. She has an appointment coming up this week to determine the cause. Priscilla is still coughing. Cindy has concerns about the latest results from her doctor. Leanne is having trouble with her hearing. She is concerned about an ear infection. She is having pain in her arm. Isabella has been sick. Bobbie asks that we pray for Zach for reasons unspecified.
Be God’s answer to someone’s prayer this week!