Pray for Clarke
This from Brenda earlier today: “Clark couldn’t get out of the chair in his bedroom, he had been talking to Shelly so she called 911 and told them where he was and to come check on him. At 1st they were … Continue reading →
This from Brenda earlier today: “Clark couldn’t get out of the chair in his bedroom, he had been talking to Shelly so she called 911 and told them where he was and to come check on him. At 1st they were … Continue reading →
I talk this week about how Jesus feels about us taking time to rest. I am going to use the scriptures in the Gospel of John the 5Th chapter and vs 1-15.. This is the story of a man Jesus … Continue reading →
Priscilla reminds us that all things are possible with God and that we should be about the business of doing what He calls us to do, knowing that He makes the way.
Continue reading →Rejoice with us and pray with us. Pam is thankful for church family and for Jesus. Lupe thanks everyone for their prayers and is thankful to be back. We rejoice with her! She is feeling much better. Jane got straight … Continue reading →
Mark Cimino, associate pastor at Harvest Oaks Church, teaches us to obey God and turn from sin, working from the account of Israel’s demand for a king in 1 Samuel 8.
Continue reading →Marie Cimino of Harvest Oaks teaches us to trust in the power of God through the account of Peter’s imprisonment and miraculous escape recorded in Acts 12.
Continue reading →Rejoice with us and pray with us. We are so blessed to have the people from Harvest Oaks here today! Pam praises the Lord that she was able to walk some distance without her walker. Vicki enjoyed time with friends … Continue reading →
Sometimes we let others label us.. Sometimes we label ourselves.. We adopt things about us, true or not, as the whole of our identity.. But when we become God’s children, we take on a new identity.. We become a new … Continue reading →