We had another great Sunday last week at BBT. Linda led the Sunday school time sharing with us her ideas of where we are headed and how we can get there. She believes, as I do, that when more people know about us, the more people we can minister to. She has great enthusiasm and a great desire to help us be the Church God created us to be. Larry also spoke about the church, no matter what denomination, must get back to our first love, which is loving Jesus Christ and loving each other. It is not just important that we do good things we must do them for the right reasons. It was a powerful message that we all needed to hear. If you would like to hear it Larry will have it on our website.
I hope you are looking forward to the upcoming 4Th of July this week. I hope you will remember those who gave us so much that we may have this freedom. I also hope you can rest and energize yourself for the upcoming summer. I am going to talk about rest this week as we look at why we are always so tired. The scripture verses are in Matthew the 12Th chapter verses 28-30. Here Jesus invites us to come to him and let him give us rest. The rest Jesus is talking about is not when we die and go to heaven he wants us to be less weary right now! He wants us to trust him to keep his promises to us and that we can go to him and be comforted no matter what our situation is. Are you weary or you tired from all the worries that the world has put on you? Jesus is offering to carry that burden for you if you will let him. My prayer every day is God I can’t do this on my own. You are my strength and my shield to protect me. You move my feet where they need to go, you give me the words I need to say. Without you Lord I will not succeed. I hope you have this same dependency on him. Please join us on Sunday as we learn to rest in him. We will be having chili dogs, chips and Kool-aid after the service, what can be more American then that!
Thank everyone in church last week that prayed for Kim. There are few churches today that will stop what they are doing and pray right then for someone who is hurting, I thank God we are that kind of church. Your prayers have been answered and she is feeling better. Please continue to pray for Pris’s dad. He is still in the hospital and is having a very rough time. He means so much to our family. He was a big part of this ministry when he was caring for my father and I hope to get the chance to help care for him as well. I am looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday. I hope you have a safe and happy 4Th of July and get some rest by resting in Him.
We love you so much,
Pastor David & Pris