We have being going over the beatitudes over the last few weeks. I hope to finish up with them on Sunday but we don’t want to hurry over any of these important ways God wants to bless us. We need to make these characteristics as part of who we are. We all need God’s blessing and we all need to be more like Jesus. After we finish this study I hope we will understand what Great thing God has planned for us and what Great things he is offering us. We will start the service at 2:30 on Sunday as Pris will lead the lesson in Sunday School and we will finish up around 4:00. I hope you will make plans to be with us.
On March the 9Th we will have our service but them we will have the long awaited wedding shower for Arthur and Jana Breedlove after the service. Arthur is going to cook out and we all need to bring a dish.
On March the 23rd we will be going to visit The Renaissance Church at 1509 H Ave in Plano TX 75074. They are located in the courtyard Theater in Plano. Pastor Danny Mack will bring the message then we will return back to Bartimaeus for lunch.
I hope you will be making your plans for all of our services. I urge you to pray for all those listed on our pray list and if you have a need for prayer please call us and let us pray with you.
I heard a very good report from pastor Jay on his dad Jerry. He has gone through all his chemo treatment and the doctor’s are amazed at how well he is doing. We are not amazed just amazed at how great our God is. Keep doing good things for Christ and read the scripture versus in Matt the 5Th chapter vs 1-12 and apply these traits to your life. Your life will change. We love and can’t wait to see you on Sunday!
We love you so much!
Pastor David & Pris