This week I want to follow up on this line of who we are by asking you how do you measure up? What makes you happy or are you ever happy? I know many people who have not felt joy in years. Who’s fault is that?
They blame the economy they blame the government they blame other people they even blame God, but they never understand why everything in their lives is miserable. It is never their fault, they are a victim of their circumstances. I am here to tell you that is not how God created you. You can be going through life defeated on every side or you can claim victory even in the face of defeat. It is up to you. If you are a child of the King it is time you stood up, quit feeling sorry for yourself and claim the blessings God has for you because he has caused you BLESSED. I am going to read the scripture in Matthew the 5Th Chapter starting with vs 1-12. You want to be happy? Follow these instructions. I hope you will be with us on Sunday as we begin the new month and New Year with an attitude that we are blessed and we can be happy regardless of our circumstances.
Continue to pray for those that need our prayers, help those who need our help and let’s do great things in the name of Jesus. We love you and hope to see you on Sunday.
We love you so much!
Pastor David and Pris