Pray for Priscilla as she has a problem with her foot and was not able to come today. Pray for Bob, the owner of the sign company who worked on our van, who is now hospitalized. Keep praying for Kelly. Vicki asks prayer that she can find a good weekend attendant. Jana asks prayer for a neighbor Glenn who has been in the hospital for the last few weeks. Brenda P asks prayer for Kay who is not doing well and having trouble at the home where she lives. Keep praying for Annette. Anita is not with us today because she is caring for her aunt who looked after her when she was sick. Pray for relatives of Dede who recently lost their house to fire.
As we remember those who gave their lives for our country this weekend, let us pray for their families. Give thanks to the One who gave His life for all of us. Be blessed to be a blessing this week.