Pray for Anna’s family as her father has passed away. Keep praying for Lisa and her family. Mickie asks us to pray for Carla. Don asks prayer for a coworker John who had a heart attack while they were at work. It was his second. Don asks for the opportunity to share Jesus with him. Anita asks prayer for her cousin who has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray for the whitmore’s sun-in-law John. Keep praying for Kingston. Anita is still looking for work. Pray for cindy’s friends the Harts who have lost a family member. Pray for Pam’s health problems. Pray for Vickie V as she has been found but is still not at home because she doesn’t seem to be remembering enough to be safe and someone has been taking advantage of her. I missed a couple.. Please feel free to add them in.
Special thanks to The Heights for blessing us today. May we all be a blessing this week and give Jesus something He would really like for His birthday thereby.