Pam is thankful for a gift that was given to her. Linda is thankful for a new connection she made on Friday because she had to take the van in for service. The Lord put her where she needed to be so that someone could be blessed. John is glad to be here and we are glad to have him. Tim and Cindy are working with John so that he can give his testimony next week. Dede is thankful to be here today. Sarah D starts her job next week. Cindy should know whether she has one by Friday.
Lupe is in the hospital. We don’t have details but she was taken to the ER today and she is going to be admitted. Dede asks prayer for her cousin who is having trouble with her mother. Her name is Susette. Pray for Dede’s vision and her family. Keep praying for Jerry Gibson who has been diagnosed with cancer at the back of his mouth that is inoperable unless he is willing to be fed through a tube. He has been given six months. He is undergoing chemo treatments starting this week. He is special to the pastor and to our church so let’s all be sure to pray for him and let him know we are behind him. Brenda asks prayer for Richard, a friend of hers who drives a bus. He has a stomach infection and will be taking chemo. Keep praying for Kim. She still has blood clots in her arm. Cindy asks prayer for famly issues. Pray for Priscilla’s dad. His health is continuing to fail.Pray for Priscilla’s oldest sister Carol who is having multiple strokes. Pray for my grandmother, Lorice, who is now in a nursing home and we are not sure what is going on with her. Keep praying for Benny. Kenneth is having trouble at his job. Pray for Tommy, a friend of Nancy who got sick from a flu shot.
Pray for each other and be an answer to prayer this week.