Pray for Ruth as she goes for medical testing on Tuesday. Anita asks prayer for her son who is going astray. Pray for Mary who is back at the nursing hoem now on hospice care.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Pray for Ruth as she goes for medical testing on Tuesday. Anita asks prayer for her son who is going astray. Pray for Mary who is back at the nursing hoem now on hospice care.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
I really like it when the praise reports outnumber the prayer requests. After all we have so much to be thankful for. Anita got a car. Now she can drive here to join us instead of spending hours on the bus. Sylvia’s daughter also got a car. Linda’s certification interview with DART went well. We see it as an opportunity to let others know about our church. Kim says we may have someone new joining us from Brentwood next week. Priscilla is thankful for a good week keeping the children despite her injury. Edith is thankful that the changes happening where she works don’t include her losing her job. Brenda got to meet a new neighbor this week.
Cathy asks prayer for wisdom in making a major change in her life. Anita asks us to pray for her friend Michele who is now living at The Bridge. Lupe’s son is applying for a new job after learning that he will not be able to keep the one he has. Mary was taking to the hospital directly from our service today. She is not breathing well and did not have enough oxygen. Pleas pray or her this week.
Pray for eahc other this week and let’s make an effort to know each other better. Be blessed to be a blessing.
April prays for her great aunt who is going blind and facing other difficulties. Pray for Alan who works with a foster home currently caring for 5 girls. April wants us to keep praying for our church. Dede asks that we pray for her friend Frances who has just lost family. Pray for her cousin Paul who is on life support pending family decisions. Kim asks that we pray for a friend who needs Jesus. Keep praying for healing for Priscilla’s knee and for Kim’s continued improvement. Pray for Mary that The Lord will meet the needs she is unable to express.
Priscilla passed along a prayer request from the neighbor who makes the gift baskets for us for members of her family who are sick. Keep praying for healing of Proscilla’s knee. Kim wants to stay on a new medication that is really helping her but it is giving her problems. Keep praying for Twyla who is being sent home for hospice care tomorrow. Pray for Joe and the rest of her family. Pray for Brenda’s nephew Clint who needs a job and to make good decisions. Anita prays for health and is in need of a job.
Thank The Lord for what He has already done and be a blessing this week!
Pray for Cathy as she travels over the next two weeks. Dede asks prayer for an acquaintance who was hit by a truck last night. Debra’s brother was hit by a car on Wednesday. He is home and recovering. Priscilla hurt her knee and isn’t able to walk on it. Pray for her healing.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Ruth asks prayer for Twyla, the wife of Joe who workes on our air conditioning at the church, who is suffering from leuchemia. Cathy asks that we pray for Francine Fulton. Pray for Lupe’s son injured at work. Keep praying for Linda to get better and come back to us. Keep praying for Don’s health. Dede is still feeling ill. Kim has more doctor appointments this week. Debra got some negative test results back from the doctor that she would like for us to pray over.
Pray for each other this week.
Dede is not feeling well and wants prayer for heeling. Keep praying for peace and healing for Don. Edith asks prayer for the family of a young man who was killed at the hospital where she works whose funeral is being held today. Pray for peace in April’s family. Pray for her mother Lois who will need cateract surgery. Pray for Lupe who wanted to come today but has become ill from something she ate. Pray fore the Harrison family, Priscillas relatives who just experienced a death in the family. Keep praying for Linda to get stronger. We want her back next week!
I missed at least one. Feel free to add more. Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Pray for April’s family after her great aunt has passed away and they need money for a funeral. Keep praying for Mary Ellen. She is stil hospitalized but they do not know what is wrong with her. Jana wants us to keep praying for her family. Remember our pastor who couldn’t be with us today because of the flu.
Be blessed this week and do what you can!
Ruth’s sister Mary Ellen had a mild heart attack. Please pray for healing and strength for Mary Ellen
& Ruth and their entire family.
And please pray for our fearless leader Pastor David who is under attack from the flu virus that is
now considered an epidemic. Lord may Pastor’s suffering be minimized and healing be maximized.
In His Accessible Grace,