Speaking of being grateful, I was reading is Luke this week and read about the story of the ten lepers. It is amazing to me how nine out of the ten lepers never came back to thank Jesus for healing them of this terrible disease. What would we have done? I hope we would have fallen at the feet of Jesus and cried tears of joy for being set free, but lets not kid ourselves, how many blessing have we received that we have never acknowledge Jesus as the provider of the blessing much lest to stop and thank him. The scripture verses this week will be in Luke the 17Th chapter vs 11-19. I want us to look at this story again and I want us to put ourselves in the story. I know that we think we are a grateful person and I know we try hard to be grateful even in the tough times we are going through in this country, but we can do better. I want us to look at this story and see how it applies to us. As bad as things are for us right now I promise you none of us are as bad off as these ten men. That being said, should not they have even been more grateful for what Christ did for them? I hope you will be with us this week and lets talk about how we can have a attitude of gratitude in this upcoming season.
Please continue to keep this ministry in your prayers each day. There are many people with health issues as well as financial issues in our membership. God will use you to minister to these needs if you will be open to receive the words God has for you. My prayer for us is that we will be a blessing to others and an instrument for God. Do good things for others not because you want the glory but do it for the glory of God. Invite someone to come with you on Sunday and lets worship together in God’s house.
We love you so much
Pastor David & Pris