Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We are so blessed to have the people from Harvest Oaks here today! Pam praises the Lord that she was able to walk some distance without her walker. Vicki enjoyed time with friends and praises the Lord that her knee is healing. Ana rejoices that she was able to witness someone accept Jesus last Sunday evening! Don is thankful for extra work. Anita is thankful that her aunt is doing much better.
Don thinks he’s getting shingles. Richard asks prayer for his sister Anita who is sick and the doctors don’t know why. Cathy asks prayer for Chandler who is battling cancer. Vicki asks prayer for a friend gong through a messy divorse. Cindy is concerned that Travis may not be well. Pray for Rachel. Barbara lost her purse. Pam still needs her shoes and there seem to be more delays. Richard B is reported to be in the hospital. We have no details.
Be a blessing this week as we have been blessed!