Happy Mothers’ Day! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cindy rejoices that Tim is on his way to getting new teeth. Cathy got a card from her brother. Ruth and the rest of us praise God that her sister Mary Ellen is here today. Kim enjoyed spending time with her sister and nephews. Priscilla is thankful for good results from the doctor. Kelly is getting stronger. Didi thanks the Lord for His provision.
Edith is awaiting decisions from her doctor. She is home resting today. Keep praying for Debra. Lupe has been sick. Pray for wisdom for Galen and for Kelly. Tim is still hurting from the dental work. Keep praying for Kim’s health. Brenda’s neighbor had surgery on her knee. Cathy lost a cousin this week. Keep praying for Shelly. Pam is still waiting for her special shoes. Keep praying for Rachel.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 7
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
The Whitmore’s son-in-law John is back home. Kelly got a letter from Shelly. Brenda got to see her newest grandson. Ruth is thankful that Cathy is there for her and for the church praying for her. She enjoyed getting to see her sister. Pastor David enjoyed time with Ruth and thanks her for the cake she sent. Anita looks forward to getting therapy so that she can walk again. I’m thankful for a relaxing weekend and time to get something done that has been on hold for several months.
Edith is due to undergo more testing and may have to have exploratory surgery. There is concern over cancer. Kim is struggling with fatigue and pain. Keep praying for Didi. Pray for the Terrells. We have no details. Keep praying for Anita. Keep praying for Debra.
Be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 30
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Tim is thankful the storms missed him and asks us to pray for the people where they hit. Cindy is thankful that Tim is scheduled for his dental work this week. We praise God that Anita is back with us. Clarke is getting the treatment he needs Anita is thankful for family and friends.
Edith has more tests this week to determine the cause of her health problems. Cindy asks us to pray for Rachel. Didi asks prayer for a neighbor Walter. Jane was taken to Children’s Hospital this morning for pinkeye.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 23
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Kelly says she walked 75′ on her walker last week unassisted. We’re all rejoicing with John that we’re alive and here together. Shannon rejoices to be one test away from finishing her schoolwork. It’s good to have Michael back with us today. Kim is having less pain. Pam praises the Lord for good weather, blessings in her life, and the church.
Cathy prays for Janet, a classmate who lost a family member. Pray for another classmate Jimmy. Pray for Benny as he faces trouble with his heart. Ruth asks prayer for Dana and her family facing illness. Keep praying for Edith as she is still searching for the source of her health problems. Keep praying for Shelly. Pam needs new special shoes so she can walk. Brenda O still needs the attachment for her chair. Keep praying for Anita. Pray for the Whitmores’ son-in-law John facing medical issues due to internal bleeding.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 16
He is Risen! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth rejoices that she is well enough to be here today and that her cousin in Georgia is doing well. Kim is thankful for her parents and all they have been doing for her. Kelly says she keeps getting better and is walking on a walker some. Pam thanks the Lord for His blessings. Galen is thankful for the church. Didi is thankful for the people who have helped her as she works through her problem. Anita is thankful to be getting better. Lisa thanks Priscilla for getting them to church and helping with Jane. Priscilla is thankful for the blessing of getting to care for Pastor David’s and then her parents. She is now able to see the rewards that came from it. Pam and all of us are thankful for what Don and Brenda do for the people in the church.
Kim prays for a friend Laura who lost her father. Kelly prays to see her sister. Keep praying for Shelly. Priscilla prays for a friend, Kathy who has lost her father. She also wants us to pray for Ruth and Cathy as this is the time of year when they lost loved ones. Didi asks that we pray for the people who live around her. Keep praying for her living situation to improve. Pam asks us to pray for Vicki who couldn’t come due to a health issue. Pray also for Michelle to find what she needs. Teresa has an unspoken request.
Be a source of life this week!
Updated request for Kay’s Mom
Joanne will have surgery today to remove the cancer from her nose. Keep her in your prayers.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 9
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pam thanks the Lord for His blessings. We are glad to have Teresa back with us. Pam is walking more. Ruth is thankful that her minor surgery went well. Vicki got a new apartment. Brenda got to see her grandchildren. Pastor David is thankful for an enjoyable outing and time with family. Kim is thankful for the church.
Pray for Toni, a lady who came into the church who has lost a child and doesn’t have money for funeral expenses. Pray for Kim as she continues to deal with help issues. Pray for Edward also with a. Toothache. Kelly prays for Shelly. She has been moved to a new facility. Her health is declining. Pam asks prayer for Michelle who is looking for a place to live. Anita is having trouble with her legs so that she is not able to walk. She will have rehab this week. Keep praying for Didi to find a place. Vicki asks prayer for her aid whose wife is in the hospital . He does not have transportation. Vicki is also struggling with her health. Keep praying for Jerry and his family after the loss of his father. .Pam still needs her shoes repared. John prays to reconnect with his brother.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Prayer request via Priscilla
Pris asked to add Ms. Summerhill (Kay’s Mom) to the prayer List. She has cancer on her nose. Pray for healing.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 2
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pray for Jerry’s family. He has lost his father. Cathy asks that we keep praying for Ginger who is back in the hospital after her surgery. Didi asks us to pray for her cousin Suzette with eye problems and thyroid problems. Anita is out with severely swollen feet, not able to walk. Pam prays for Brenda O. Pam prays to keep walking and improving. Brenda prays for her neighbor Nora and Nora’s sister. Pray for Mary’s recovery after having a lot of dental work done and for Travis who has been sick. Keep praying about Didi’s living situation. Keep praying for Kelly. Pam asks us to pray for Chris and his mother Caroline. He is concerned that she won’t be here much longer. Brenda wants us to keep praying for Kay and Annette.
Linda enjoyed time with her sister last week. Ruth is glad to be back. We are glad she’s better. Pam is getting to start physical therapy next week. Cindy enjoyed her birthday with family.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 26
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth and Lupe are both home sick. Cathy’s mother-in-law is still not eating well. Pray for Ginger, someone Cathy knows who is just out of the hospital having two stents put in. Cindy prays for the grandchildren as they have testing at chill this week. Anita asks us to pray for her sons and grandchildren. Keep praying for Brenda’s neighbor Nora having trouble with her knees and the neighbor’s sister in the hospital for more than six months. Pastor asks us to pray for Linda. Keep praying for Clarke who is struggling with pain. Keep praying for Debra. Keep praying for Galen as he faces the possibility of brain surgery. Didi is still looking for a place to live. Lisa is also home not feeling well. Keep praying for John’s full recovery.
We are delighted to have John back with us today. Cindy and Rachel got new glasses. Cindy is thankful for new enhancements to her new truck. Cathy praises the lord that the adopted grandchildren are home and in school for the first time.
Be an answer to prayer this week.