Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pam is thankful for blessings last week. We’re thankful for a new visitor from Brentwood today. Ruth says her sister is doing much better. Anita’s aunt continues to improve. She’s making deserts now. Cathy’s mother-in-law is getting better. Kelly stood without support last week.
Pam wants us to pray for Peggy and Carl. She prays for a friend Richard who is separated from his wife. Keep praying for Kelly. Ruth asks prayer for her cousin Edith in Georgia who is having trouble with her legs and cannot walk unassisted. Lupe wants us to keep praying for her granddaughter. She prays for travel safety for her son and daughter-in-law. Pastor David prays for the family of a coworker Lechelle who lost her mother last night. Keep praying for Shelly. Brenda prays for a coworker named Karen who lost her husband to an accident. Anita has a doctor appointment on Thursday and would like us to pray. Kim is out with pneumonia and the flue. Didi still needs a place to live. Pray for Linda. Pray for Lisa and for Jane.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of February 5
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Edith rejoices that she got a refund from insurance. Mary and her family enjoyed a trip to a camp this weekend. Kelly has a new place to stay. Galen praises the Lord that he is feeling better and back with us. Cindy rejoices that her grandchildren did well in athletic competition.
Priscilla and Kim are both home sick. Cathy asks prayer for her mother-in-law having issues with her health. She wants us to keep praying for the adoption to be finalized in Poland. Sandra asks that we pray for Tim B. Who used to come to church with us. He has lost his money and needs a place to stay.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of January 29
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pam praises the Lord that she has been able to be here lately and that she received a financial blessing. Stephanie thanks everyone for praying. She started her internship with Dallas Life. Anita praises the Lord that her aunt is doing much better and is driving again. John is always glad to be here and we’re glad he’s here too. Brenda is thankful that Don’s health is relatively stable all things considered.
Keep praying for Kelly and for Shelly. Keep praying for Don’s health. Kelly asks us to pray for Galen. Stephanie asks us to pray for her father who is due to have surgery. Pam asks prayer for her friend David who has been ill and in a nursing home for some time. She prays to start walking again. She prays for an acquaintance named Barry who had a kidney removed due to cancer. Pray for Edith as she is out today with a bronchial infection.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of January 22
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Tim is glad to be feeling better. Pam is going to get her special shoe repaired and she received another blessing last night. Brenda enjoyed getting to see her grandchildren. Kim’s friend’s baby Madi is doing better. John and Michael are glad to be back and we are delighted to have him back. Pastor David is thankful for a peaceful transfer of power in this great country we live in. Didi is thankful that her dong safely delivered a litter of puppies. Priscilla thanks everyone for everyone who attended her parents’ memorial yesterday.
Lisa asked us to pray for her and her family. Didi needs a new place to live. Edward needs a car repaired or replaced so that he can get to work. Brenda prays for a someone who was in a motorcycle accident. I missed the name. Keep praying for Shelly. Brenda also prays for a teacher friend who has been ill and can’t get time to see a doctor. Cathy prays for a friend Debbie who had emergency surgery last week. Pam asks prayer as she begins to try to walk again. Lupe wants us to keep praying for her granddaughter Nancy. Ruth prays for her cousin in Georgia Edith who is having trouble with her legs. Anita prays for her cousin who needs a knee replacement. We are asked to pray for Ruth. Cathy prays for her step daughter and son-in-law who went to Poland to adopt children and are having difficulties. Cindy asks prayer for their family. John prays for his brother.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of January 15
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Tim is thankful to be here and getting better. Rachel is glad that School started. Kim thanks the Lord that she has had peace in spite of her health challenges. Lupe is thankful that Brenda brought her materials for a new project to make blankets for babies at the hospital. We rejoice that she has found a way to serve. Pastor David enjoyed peaceful family time at a birthday party yesterday. Anita thanks the Lord for a car. Didi is thankful for a new stove and refrigerator. Priscilla is thankful to have gotten through another week. She is missing her parents. Edith’s brother is home from surgery recovering. She is thankful to have her car back after her accident last month. Cindy is thankful that their home was undamage by a fire next door. Pray for those affected. She is thankful home renovations are going well. Glen is thankful for the Lord’s presence and help as he suffers with health challenges. Pray for his recovery. Brenda enjoyed getting to see her grandchildren.
Keep praying for Kelly and for Shelly. Pray for Kim’s healing. Lupe wants us to keep praying for her granddaughter’s family situation. Rita is still in quarantine. Annette is in ICU. Pray for Kay as well. Anita asks prayer for her aunt having stomach problems and for herself. Pray for the Terrell family as they raise the children. Brenda asks prayer for a coworker Emily who is in surgery. She also prays for a friend of her daughter named Nicki suffering complications from an undetected stroke. Cindy prays for healing and wisdom for her daughter Michelle.
Let God answer prayer through you this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of January 8
Happy New Year! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth thanks the Lord that she is doing better. Didi is thankful to be alright after a fall. Pastor David praises the Lord for a good holiday and that we’re all able to be back together. Cathy is thankful that her family to the north is safe with the winter weather. Brenda is thankful that Clarke is better and they know what is wrong. It is great to have Debra back with us.
Pray for Kelly’s living situation. Debra is hoping for good results from a new pain treatment. Pray for healing. Lupe prays for her granddaughter Nancy. Her children have been taken from her. Edith’s brother-in-law is in the hospital having had a heart attack. She left church today after getting the call. Please clarify if I didn’t get this right. Kim is having more trouble with pain. She could not be here today. Tim is not feeling well and Cindy is struggling with allergies. Keep praying for Shelly. Keep praying for Don. His health is declining.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 18
Merry Christmas! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Priscilla is thankful that she was able to speak to her family members before they went home to be with Jesus. Ruth is thankful to be here and for the Lord’s protection through her illness. Cindy enjoyed time with her grandchildren yesterday. Brenda also got to see her grandchildren. Linda is thankful that we were able to be here despite the car being in for repairs. Pastor David enjoyed early birthday celebrations.
Priscilla will have a memorial for her parents on Friday. Pray for the family. Pastor David when to go see Richard and learned that he has passed away.
Be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 11
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Didi got a new stove and refrigerator. Cindy is thankful that the work on their home is going well. Ruth is back home and recovering. Brenda got to see her grandchild. Anita is thankful for those who cared for her while she was ill. Galen is thankful for the3 Lord’s presence as he faces health challenges.
Keep praying for Kelly. Edith asks prayer for a grandson who is not developing normally. His name is Travis. Rita is still in quarantine. Pray for Ruth’s continued recovery. Keep praying for Debra. She wanted to come today but still experiencing migraines. Pray for Clarke. He didn’t feel well enough to join us today. Keep praying for Shelly. Pray for an individual wh wrote into our web site who has a friend or may themselves be involved in occult practices.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Updated prayer request for Ruth
We just received more information that Ruth has been taken to the hospital and is currently in surgery for internal bleeding. Please pray.
Prayers for Ruth
Pastor called and asked us to pray for Ruth. She is in pain after a medical procedure today and awaiting test results.