Cathy asks prayer for her mother-in-law who became very ill last night. Her name is Vera. Mickie asks prayer for Carla’s health. Sandra asks prayer for her grandmother Dorothy who is having trouble sleeping. Pam asks prayer for an acquaintance named Synthia who has been diagnosed with cancer. April asks prayer for someone she knows with mental health issues. Pray for her great aunt who is struggling with vision loss. Dede asks prayer for a friend with a lung problem. Pray for Dede as well. Cathy asks prayer for Benny and all of the family as they deal with the stress of his mother’s illness. Cindy asks prayer for the health of relatives and patience and wisdom in working with them. Pray for Frances and her family. Pray for a coworker of Pastor David whose father is ill. Don asks prayer for a coworker Mark who is suffering from kidney trouble and has new complications. Jana asks that we pray for her friend who’s granddaughter had a friend die and became suicidal. Pray for all involved, the Kelly and Mason families. Keep praying for Priscilla’s father. Kim is not well and couldn’t join us today. Pray for Kelly and Shelly.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.