Pray for David from the nursing home who was too sick to come. Keep praying for Kim and her ongoing healt issues. Frances couldn’t come today because she is having trouble with her feet. Ruth will have a biopsy on Wednesday to check for cancer.
Pray for David from the nursing home who was too sick to come. Keep praying for Kim and her ongoing healt issues. Frances couldn’t come today because she is having trouble with her feet. Ruth will have a biopsy on Wednesday to check for cancer.
Cathy asks prayer for Ken Fulton. Pastor David wants us to pray for Kathy, a woman he knows who is close to death from cancer. Brenda would like us to pray for the wife of one of the drivers where she works also named Brenda who has a tumor. Pray for Brenan, a twelve-year-old boy who needs hospitalization and his parents are afraid to send him. Cathy had another request that I missed. Keep praying for Kim. She is closer to knowing what is wrong but there is no clear solution. Pray for the little boy that Priscilla keeps who fell and cut open his ear. Pray for Priscilla who hurt her knee again. Pam is having swelling in her jaw.
Pray for each other and be a blessing this week.
We’re thankful for the rain some of us got and for the nice weather. We’re all glad to be here today. Sharon thanks everyone for their prayers. She will get to go home soon. Pam is thankful for the Lord’s many blessings. Dede thanks The Lord for a new refrigerator. Anita is thankful for good things involving her son.
Pray for Priscilla who isn’t with us today because she is ill. Pray for Kim, a friend of Pastor David, who just lost his father on Thursday. Cathy requests prayer for Lori, someone she worked with who has just been diagnosed with ALS. Ruth heard from her doctor again that she has to go back for another appointment regarding cancer testing. Keep praying for Pam’s friend Chris and his mother. Cindy asks prayer for Damon who will see the cardiologist on Tuesday.
Pray for each other and be blessed to be a blessing.
Ruth requests prayer for a young relative who has been badly injured in an ATV accident. Her name is Emily and she is fourteen. Cathy requests prayer for the family of a friend who just passed away. Pray for the Gardener family. We welcome a new visitor David from the home who is thankful to be here. Pray for Kim who is having more trouble with her foot. Pray for Iris who was bitten by a spider this week. Jana and Breedlove are having problems with their truck. Carla is struggling with the need for a job and her living situation. Pray for April and her family. Pray also for all of those affected by the attack in Boston and the explosion down in West, Texas.
Cindy reports that Damon is home from the hospital and improving. Pam was able to get her wheelchair fixed. Lupe thanks everyone for praying for her son. He is going back to work. Linda is glad we went back to church this morning and met up wiht Edith. She is thankful to have heard from someone in Alabama interested in disability ministry. Priscilla brought her neighbor Bobby with her today who has recovered from a car accident. We have prayed for him. We also joyfully welcome our newest member Tim who joined the church today ready to work.
Pam wants us to pray for her cat who is sick. Dede met a woman named Lisa last night who asked us to pray for her. She has glaucoma. Keep praying for Dede as well.Pray for Sharon, one of our trustees, who has recently fallen and sustained a fracture that may require corrective surgery. Pray for Pam’s friend Chris who is without his adapted van and for his mother who is having age related difficulty. Cindy asks prayer for the Johnson family who have just experienced a death. Teresa is not with us because her family has also lost someone. Keep them in your prayers. Pray for Pastor David’s friend Roger and wife Kathy who is dying of cancer. Pray for Joe Meyers and his family. His wife Twyla for whom we have been praying has passed away.
As I write this news of the terrorist attack in Boston is playing in the next room. Pray for all of those affected by this and pray that our leaders will act wisely in its aftermath.
Linda praises The Lord for a good experience we had at First Baptist Richardson this morning. Pam is thankful for a good week. Kim is thankful to be free of pain today. Dede got her lawn mower fixed and they did the yard for her. Priscilla met some…
Read more here: Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 7
Please Pray! Big Damone was takin by ambulance to dallas regional last night. He stopped breathing and was having a seizure. He may have some heart problems. They are doing tests.
Sarah asks prayer for her health. Edith reminds us to pray for our law enforcement officials. Carla asks prayer for her friend Dave to find work. Sylvia asks us to pray that she won’t need an operation. Brenda wants us to pray for a family whose children she drives because the father needs a job. Pray for Priscilla’s father who lost his sister this week.
He is Risen! Rejoice in Him always!
Pray for Ruth as she goes for medical testing on Tuesday. Anita asks prayer for her son who is going astray. Pray for Mary who is back at the nursing hoem now on hospice care.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.