Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore for December 23, 2012
From the account of the visitation of Mary by the angel foretelling the birth of Jesus, Priscilla urges us to embrace God’s special calling on our lives.
Continue reading →From the account of the visitation of Mary by the angel foretelling the birth of Jesus, Priscilla urges us to embrace God’s special calling on our lives.
Continue reading →Pam praises The Lord as do we all for the blessings we recieved from the Heights and others last week. Kathy rejoices that benny made it through his surgery and is recovering well. He’ll go back again this week. Jana is thankful to be starting schoo…
Continue reading →We’re told we need to repent. What does that mean? Listen to Pastor David as he shares what Jogn the Baptist had to say in Luke 3:7-17.
Continue reading →Pastor was blessed to go see his grandson in a Christmas program this morning. We’re delighted that so many people are here today. we’re thankful to The Heights for the food and gifts today.Don is thankful that all of his family was able to get toget…
Continue reading →Larry attempts to express the wonder of God come down to us as man beginning in Matthew 1:22-23
Continue reading →Linda urges us to take a fresh look at the circumstances of our lives and see what God is doing.
Continue reading →Pray for the Thompson family as they mourn the loss of a family member. Ruth asks prayer for Gary facing bladder cancer and in chemotherapy. Kim praises The Lord for a friend of hers who was homeless and alcoholic and is now working and sober. Victo…
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