We had another great service last week and we are really excited about our homecoming in 2 weeks. We are celebrating 54 years of being part of this ministry. This idea was conceived by Don and Anna Ruth Whitmore and was blessed by God. I know there have been times when the road was not as smooth as we want, but that is the way life is. I really believe the bumps in the road are what make our faith stronger or weaker. If you are a true follower of Christ it is these bumps that makes us see how much we need Christ. We cannot do this on our own we are dependent upon the grace of God to get us through. Once we understand that we know that the world cannot take away our Joy our Peace our Hope. If we are not a true follower these obstacles cause us to just give up and quit. We are here for a short time passing through to a better place. That is not to say we cannot enjoy and relish the time we are here. God did not put us here to just get by till we die. He has an abundant life for us to live every single day! I hope you will be in church this week to experience the faith of the members at BBT.
This week my sermon is on Mark the 7Th Chapter vs 1 – 23. That is a lot of scripture for one sermon but it is very important to see what Christ is teaching us in these verses. I believe Christ wants to show us what is truly important. He wants us to understand that heart is more important then habit. I hope you will join us on Sunday and see what God has for his people.
There are many people who are hurting in this world today and they need what we have. As we cross the paths of those in need do something to help them, it may be a word of encouragement or a prayer for their relief of their suffering. Maybe is just listen and let this person cry on your shoulder, what ever you can do, do it. Do good things in Gods name and lets share what we have. Let’s give hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and encouragement to those in despair. If we do not do it who will? We will see you on Sunday. Keep praying for this ministry and for this election coming up. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday!!!
Pastor David & Pris