Pray and rejoice with us.
Kelly wants us to pray for her leg to get stronger. Edith needs to find a new doctor and is having new problems. Remember Shelly and Clarke. Shelly is having more health problems. Keep praying for Kim who is still having trouble with her foot. Pray for Priscilla as she faces challenges with her parents. Rick asks prayer for his mom, Pat, and her husband, Howard both with health problems. Ana prays for peace as she reunites with estranged family members. Pray for Cathy’s brother’s niece who was in a car accident this weekend. Linda prays for the family of a high school friend who passed away last week. Her name is also Linda.
Brenda rejoices that her daughter is about to have a baby and prays all goes well. Cathy is looking forward to reconnecting with old friends tomorrow. Priscilla rejoices that Kim won’t have to go back for more wound care and also that little Eli thanked Jesus for healing her. Juanita is walking some. She enjoyed a good evening despite missing several busses as they tried to move about the city. Juanita is also glad to be able to get here even though they missed the church bus. We’re glad they made it too!
Remember to thank God for all that He has done for us and let Him answer prayer through you this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 24
Rejoice with us over what God has done for us. Pray with us over these requests.
Rick says his mother is getting better. John got new shoes. Dede praises the Lord that she is getting better after getting into poison ivy and scalding her hand. Cindy is thankful for God’s protection and for a good deal on things for their home. Tim says that he is inspired by the people in the church and thanks everyone for being here. Linda rejoices that her sister got an offer for a job closer to her home. Edith’s back is getting better.
Juanita asks that we pray for a man in her home named Tim who was hit by a car and is in ICU. Keep praying for Shelly and Clark. Cathy asks prayer for a friend Holly who is on hospice care and recently lost a cousin. Keep praying for Kim. The infection is healing but she is still having trouble with her foot. Juanita may need to have her gall bladder removed. She’ll find out tomorrow. She is afraid. Cindy prays for her children as they are traveling this week. Keep praying for Dede.
Let God answer prayer through you this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 17
Our God has done great things! Praise Him for what He has done! Pray with us over these requests.
Rick praises God that he met Juanita and that they found this church. Juanita got approved for new housing. The Terrells are back and feeling better. Debra is here with us! She is thankful for a better solution to her headaches. Brenda enjoyed her trip.Her daughter Sarah had a good first week at work. Linda and I are praising God for something good that happened in our family.
Pray for Richard Blake’s health and well-being. Cathy asks us to pray for Holly, who has been sent home for hospice care. Priscilla asks prayer for a friend Jim who has advanced cancer. Juanita needs a shoulder replacement. Dede is home with severe poison ivy. Juanita asks prayer for Rick suffering from complications after an aneurism. Pray for peace in our nation as shooting of police officers continues. Brenda asks prayer for her neighbor Nora who may need knee replacements. Pray for Edith. Her back is still hurting her. Pray for the family of James Robison, a handyman who was working for Edith. He suddenly passed away recently.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 10
We are thankful for all that God has already done. We will trust Him also with these requests.
We are delighted to Have Kim back with us today! Edith says she is not hurting today. Lisa says things are going well for Jane right now. Dede is thankful to be here and for the Lord’s blessing. Pastor David enjoyed helping a coworker get into a new and better place yesterday. Cathy praises the Lord that another house sold. Ruth just praise the Lord to be here.
Ruth asks prayer for her grandson Pat that he will pass a test that will result in a promotion. Dede asks prayer for her eyes and she got into poison ivy last week. She also burned her hand on the stove. Keep praying for Shelly and Clarke.
Let the Lord answer prayer through you this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 26
Rejoice with us and pray with us over these requests.
Linda and I are excited to have her sister come to see us again next weekend. Juanita and Rick, two new visitors who came today, just got engaged. Ruth rejoices that her sister is back to good health and functioning normally. Craig is glad to get his computer fixed. Ana is glad to be feeling better after being sick last week. Cindy rejoices in good family time last week. Patricia, yet another new visitor this week, rejoices that she gets to go home from the nursing home tomorrow. Edith is glad to be back with us. She is also grateful to be ok after a little fall this morning. Debra is doing much better and thought she would come today but is still not feeling well enough. Don is thankful that he won’t need the shots he expected but wants us to keep praying for him. He’s having trouble with his eye and he has applied for another job. Cathy is recovering well after her surgery.
Rick prays for his mother who has several broken bones and heart trouble. Juanita asks for prayer as she recovers from injuries due to an accident. Cindy prays for things to get finished up around her home. Craig’s brother is in a lot of pain from the cancer. Keep praying especially for his salvation. Pray for Elke as she continues to battle cancer.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 19
Happy Father’s Day! Rejoice in the goodness of our Heavenly Father and pray with us over these requests.
Kim is doing much better and may get to stop the intensive treatments this week. We enjoyed a nice vacation last week just being at home together. Ruth’s sister is getting the feeding tube out this week. Pastor praises the Lord that Rita was not seriously hurt after falling out of her chair last week. Anita’s aunt is doing well and celebrated her birthday last week. Brenda got to see her grandchildren.
Keep praying for Kelly. Remember Chraig’s brother. The doctors have done all they can. Pray for his salvation. Pray for Craig as he moves into his next phase of ministry training.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 12
Praise the Lord and pray with us over these requests.
We enjoyed getting to see family last week. Cathy says her cousin Scott is doing well after a hip replacement. Cindy is thankful for a new washing machine. Craig enjoyed a time of ministry this weekend. Clark is getting better after surgery. Anita’s aunt is back at home and improving. Kim is now at home. Edith is back with us!
Pray for the people affected by the shooting in Orlando. Pray that God will use what happened to draw them to Himself. Pray also for the Moslem people that they will come to know the truth. Kelly wants us to keep praying for Shelly and Clark. Don has lost more kidney function. He will see the doctor again at 3:00 on Wednesday. Craig is in search of a mentor for his internship. Kelly prays to keep getting stronger. Ruth is not feeling well. Tim is also feeling sick.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 5
We thank God for what He has done already. Rejoice with us and pray with us over these requests.
John and Richard are just delighted to be here. Kelly says she’s taking more steps. Mary Ellen got to go home last week. Anita thanks the Lord that her aunt is better and gets to come home tomorrow. Didi is thankful for the Lord’s sustaining power.
Pray for the friends and family of (another) Kelly Kilgore who passed away last week. Keep praying for Craig’s brother. The doctors have done all they can. Craig is looking for the right internship. Richard A is going to have knee replacement surgery. The treatments that Don is getting don’t seem to be helping. He goes back to the doctor this week. He prays for wisdom in big decisions that need to be made. Keep praying for Kimmi. She may come home tomorrow. Keep praying for Edith. She hopes to be back next week. Pray for Clark and Shelly. Clark may need surgery. Cindy prays for the welfare of their family, especially the grandchildren. Priscilla asks prayer for her sister Jo staying with her father. She prays for her parents to make wise decisions as they cope with their health issues. Priscilla prays for her grandchildren Max and Tyler to make good choices.
Let God use you to answer prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 29
Thank the Lord for his provision, and pray with us over these requests.
Ruth’s sister is in rehab and expected to get out on Wednesday. Jog is glad to be here and that he is getting to work out. Priscilla’s parents may both end up here in the area so they can be more easily cared for. Brenda’s daughter Becky is doing better.
K.M., Mary Taylor’s son, asks us to put him and his daughter on the prayer list. He has an unexplained lump and his daughter has been ill. Pray for Kimi. She’s back in the hospital after another operation and will have to stay there until she is healed. Priscilla’s mom fell and broke her hip. Craig prays for a member of his Sunday school class named David who recently had a stroke. Keep praying for Craig’s brother. Keep praying for Kelly, Shelly, and Clarke. Anita’s aunt is in the hospital. Pray for Edith’s quick recovery. Cathy prays for her friend Marci in the hospital with cellulitis. Remember especially this weekend the ffffamilies of those who have given their lives for our country.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 22
Our God is good! Praise Him for His mighty works! Pray with us over these requests and expect great things!
Don says his daughter is doing better and getting needed treatment. Sarah got a job. Lupe thanks the Lord that tests came back negative and she does not have cancer. Lisa thanks the Lord that Jane is able to ride the bus to school now. Mary Ellen is doing better. Didi is thankful to be here and for the Lord’s blessing and protection. Linda is thankful to be getting physical therapy. John is thankful to be well.
Sandra may have opportunity for a new contract and prays it goes through. Edith will have her surgery on Friday. Pray for Katherine, an acquaintance of Cathy, who is battling Brest cancer. Pastor asks us to pray for the daughter of a coworker suffering from severe migraines. Her name is Amber. Keep praying for Shelly and Clark. Kim is still having trouble with her foot and may need further surgery. Craig is looking for an internship. Cathy asks prayer for a friend Ginger who had a heart oblation but it hasn’t helped as much as hoped. Didi prays for a friend, Brenda, with cancer and for herself. Sandra prays that Malcolm will pass his PT exams and find employment. Pray also for Sandra’s improvement. Anita asks prayer for her aunt having problems with severe acid reflux. Keep praying for Craig’s brother and his wife. Their names are Ken and Susan. Ken has terminal cancer and does not know the Lord. Susan may also have cancer. Pray that Eli’s arm heals well.
Be an answer to prayer this week.