It was really nice to see Luann back last week after being out for so long, she has grown into a beautiful young lady. It was nice to see Larry’s mom and dad visiting with us again as well. I hope you had a thankful Memorial day.
This week I want to talk to you about how our Faith can heal us. We know God wants the very best for us and his desire is not for us to suffer but to prosper. What must we do to cause God to pour out his mercy? I am going to read from Luke the 7Th chapter in verses 1-10. This is the story of a Roman centurion who is pleading for the life of his servant. I want to look at these versus on Sunday and see what Jesus is trying to show us in these scripture. Why was this servant healed? Of course Jesus willing it is what healed the servant, but why? I think the caring, the character and the confidence of the centurion are what moved Jesus to answer his plea’s. I think we need to look at this formula and apply this to our lives as well. Please join us on Sunday and invite a friend to come with you.
I certainly hope I am going to be better by Sunday and I can share this message with you. Please pray for me that I will get over this quickly. Remember to pray for the ones mentioned in our prayer request last week and if you have a special prayer request please call me and let me pray with you. Keep doing good things and we WILL see you on Sunday.
We love you so much,
Pastor David & Pris