Another great group of leaders will be in church this week. Joel and Dana will be here with their band to lead us in a whole service of just praising God. Joel said he is not preparing a sermon but will spend the whole time in praise and sharing. I am excited to be part of this and can’t wait till Sunday gets here. I hope you will make plans to join us.
Mary is still in Doctor’s hospital. I am going to the hospital tonight to visit with her. She is doing better but she is still on oxygen and having a hard time breathing, I will let you know how she is doing later in the week. Please pray for Mary and all those people that are hurting right now. There is so much strife in so many places it is hard to have a positive outlook on life, but remember we have a future and it is not here on earth. We are just passing through and we need to enjoy the time we are here, in spite of our circumstances. God will provide. Keep the faith and keep doing great things in the name of Christ. We will see you on Sunday!
We Love you,
Pastor David & Pris