special Prayer Requests
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of May 13
Kelly prays for the strength in her left leg to keep improving and for her sister Shelly. Ruth asks that we keep praying for Pauline who has colon cancer that is inoperable because of her weakened condition. Elke is undergoing chemotherapy. Remember Algie who had a stroke, fell and broke her hand, and is now on a feeding tube. Brenda’s daughter Sara is still in pain after treatment for endometriosis. Pam asks us to keep praying for her aunt Rose’s friends George and Birdie. Sandy will be leaving for Israel soon. Jana reminds us to pray for those who can’t be with us. Teresa called Pastor David to say she couldn’t come because she was in some kind of pain. Keep praying for Kim’s foot and her overall health to improve.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of May 6
Be fruitful this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of April 22
Ruth reminds us to pray for Martin who is in a lot of pain from spinal myelitis and has a problem with his foot. Priscilla asks prayer for her aunt who fell and shattered her leg. She is ninety years old and there is little that can be done for her. Keep praying for Ethan to get a new heart. Pray for the concerns Priscilla shared regarding her family. Pray for Frances and her family situation. Pray for Dede’s cousin Francie. She is ill and asked Dede to have us pray. Pray for Dede’s family and her eyes. Brenda’s aunt passed away suddenly last week. Pray for the family and especially for husband Billy. April prays for her great aunt in failing health. Pray for April’s brother who has been hospitalized. Pray for peace in April’s home and that family members would act responsibly. Pray for Elke’s health. Pam has pain in her hips and legs making it painful to walk.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of April 15
We’re thankful for everyone who helped make last week’s resurrection day celebration a success. Our special thanks go out to Dianne Stevens, the neighbor of the Whitmores who once again provided such elaborate baskets for us and also the ham for the dinner. We also all got gifts from Jana.
Pam needs to get to the doctor this Tuesday. She’s praying transportation works out this week since they didn’t pick her up last week. Don was asked by a coworker, Ella, to pray for her stepson who was injured in a sporting accident in California. Don also reminds us to pray for another coworker, Mark, who is back at work but is on dialysis and needs a transplant. Don’s son-in-law Doug is in Mexico City. Pray for his safety and also for Sarah, Don’s daughter, who is suffering from endometriosis. Francis is not feeling well today and was not with us. Kelly prays for her continued improvement and for her sister shelly. Ruth said that Martin, the neighbor who has come with her a few times, wanted to come today but was having problems with his stomach and with his foot. Linda wants us to pray for her friend Shelah who will go for CCSVI treatment this week. That’s the condition now thought to be at the root of multiple sclerosis for which Linda received treatment last year. Priscilla asks prayer for her mom who fell and broke her ribs last week. Pray for both parents as their health declines. She asked that we pray for Kim as she adjusts to changes in her medication. She asks that we pray for a little boy name Ethan who needs a heart transplant. Dede has a friend who wants prayer as she recovers from surgery. Pray for Dede and her family. Don wants us to pray for Glenn. Kim reminds us to pray for Sandra Hart. Pam reminds us to pray for Sandy as she prepares for a trip to Israel.
Pray for and encourage each other this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of April 8
Please pray that the problem with the church van is resolved quickly and inexpensively. We were not able to pick up everyone because it could not be driven. Kelley wants to walk again and says her left leg is moving better. She walked to the car today when she was picked up. Joanne asks that we pray for Kay. She can’t get out of bed. Also pray for Richard and Annette. April asks prayer for the cessation of fighting in her home. Jana prays for the storm victims from Tuesday’s tornados. Kelly is praying for Shelly. Teresa prays for peace between her and her sister Elizabeth. Kim asks prayer for physical problems. She praises God that she is doing so much better after being sick. She also asks that we pray for her grandparents, Priscilla’s mom and dad. Brenda was asked to have us pray for family of their neighbors. I missed some of the details but it involved the husband being very ill and in and out of a coma. April prays for a friend named Randy who is sick. Pam asks prayer for her legs. They are feeling week. She is going back to a neurologist for treatment. Sarah has been told that her older daughter Madeline has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and doesn’t want to see her.
Let’s pray for and encourage each other this week.
Prayer request for Ruth
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of March 18
We understand that Betty will get her teeth fixed in a couple of weeks. We thank God for that answer to our prayers. Pam is thankful for God’s blessings; that we are all able to be here together and that she learned a new bus route this week. Linda is rejoicing in continued physical improvement. She increased her treadmill time at the gym this week.
Ruth asks prayer for her sister-in-law who has been sent home from the hospital under hospice care. Anna and Lupe are both out sick. Ed fell and bruised his ribs some time before last Sunday. He has wanted to come back to church but the pain has prevented him. Pam reminds us to keep praying for Sandy’s knee to heal before her trip to Israel.
Pray also for our country and our troops serving oversees. We have much to be thankful for regarding our nation, but we also have some serious problems that will be truly resolved only when we turn to Him. Be blessed to be a blessing this week. Follow Him daily.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of March 11
Pam asks prayer for her friend’s mom, Frances, who is sick. Betty needs her tooth fixed. Lupe is down with the flu. Pray for Kelly’s living situation. Dede wants prayer for her cousin Tammy who has been feeling sick. Pam wants us to pray for Sandy B. She is going on a trip to Israel and needs her knee to heal before she leaves. Kim goes to the doctor tomorrow to follow up on some test results. Jana’s brother Paul is losing his eyesight. Deborah is worried about her friend Julia who has cancer. She hasn’t been able to connect with her.
Today we learned about our responsibility before God. I hope we will take that seriously, praying for, encouraging, and helping each other. Be blessed to be a blessing this week.