Pam is thankful that she gets to work with the children. Shelly is glad to be here and is doing well at her job. Didi is thankful for the Lord’s protection and people who have helped her. Ruth is thankful to get up this morning and thankful for Cathy bringing her to church. Brenda enjoyed her last trip. She thanks the Lord for her parents who led her to church and will celebrate her mother’s 80th birthday on Tuesday.
Less asks prayer for himself and Jane as they struggle with health problems. Didi asks prayer for a friend Liether with health problems. Shelly asks for prayer and for peace in her family. Pam asks prayer for Sandy and Heather. She asks prayer for Chris’s mother Caroline who is very ill. Richard Blake is still in rehab. Pray for his continued recovery. Cathy wants us to pray for a successful homecoming. Brenda wants us to keep praying for her cousin Judy with cancer. Anita is having trouble with her sugar.
Let God answer prayer through you this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 19
Cathy is thankful to be back from a good vacation. Cindy is thankful for a good week. Karen thanks the Lord that she is able to move better.
Kelly prays to keep getting better. Pray for Perry Fleman and his family. He may not be with us much longer. Priscilla asks prayer for her father Glen who is very ill. She feels he should be on hospice. She also asks that we pray for Kim as she adjusts to her new job. Didi is not here today because she is ill. Keep praying for Shelly. Tim asks us to pray for a coworker Don who has lost his father. Be in prayer for our country and the family of those who were killed in Tennessee. Pray for Karen as she processes the passing of someone she knew in Brentwood. Pray for Lene and her family. Brenda wants us to keep praying for her cousin Judy.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 12
Kim is thankful for a new job. Cathy is thankful for a safe trip and the chance to see a lot of family. Brenda enjoyed her trip also. We’re delighted to have Priscilla back with us. It’s good to have Jane with us after recovering from the heart attack. We thank the Lord for answered prayer. Karen says she is feeling better. Teresa is glad to be here. Leslie praises God for His goodness. Kelly is thankful that she is getting stronger.
Keep praying for Don’s health. His kidneys will be checked again this week. Keep praying for Perry Fleman who is now on hospice. Karen is still having trouble with sugar levels. She has trouble staying awake. Didi asks prayer that she will be able to work out her remaining issues at her home and for her health. Keep praying for Kim. Cindy asks prayer for a man named Jerry who wants to come from the home but has now gone into the hospital. Anita asks prayer for someone who has just lost a father. Pray for little Jane and for Lisa. Kelly asks prayer for Shelly and Clark. Pray for Linda to recover quickly. Didi also asks prayer for wisdom in managing her finances. Pray for Priscilla’s eye situation.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 5
Linda is thankful for Cindy’s helpfulness. Priscilla is enjoying a vacation. Mary is enjlying her volunteer work . Didi is thankful to have someone to install her air conditioner. There were praises from and about the children that I want to acknowledge because we’re so happy to have them but will remain unspoken just to be safe.
Leslie asks prayer for his wife Jane. Pray for Brenda, debra, and Barbara as they travel. Chuck small is having more trouble with cancer and is declining quicly. Jana prays for her sister Teri who needs a new kidney. Karen is suffering complications from Diabetes. Pray for Kelvin who has a bad cold.
Prayer Request
This request came through our Facebook page.
Prayer Warriors!!! A request has come in for a relative of one of our friends. Dwight & Kay Prather (brother & sister) (church where we had our Baptisms). Kay asked for prayers for their cousin Mark Gossett. He is a pastor in Clarksville and he has been diagnosed with Throat Cancer. Please add Mark to your prayer list this week and in the future. We will update you as we get info from Kay.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 21
I’m blessed to have my sister and parents here today. The funeral for frances was nice. That’s a strange praise report but not when we consider that she is much happier now that she is with Jesus. Pam is thankful for financial relief. Kelly gets to go back into physical therapy. John is thankful for everyone and Teresa is glad just to be here. Mary rejoices that her children will have daycare starting this week. Debra has a job interview this week. Brenda got to see her mom and got her needed medical treatment. Cindy had a good week at work.
Anita asks prayer for a nurse that she knows who is in trouble with the law. She also asks prayer for her grandchildren. Cindy prays for her daughters as they travel to Colorado. Karen is having trouble with her sugar. Priscilla had to go back to the doctor today as she is not improving. brenda’s cousin Judy says thanks for all the prayers and asks continued prayer for her fight with cancer.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 14
Cathy is thankful to have some work done. Didi is thankful to be moved. Teresa is thankful that her brother brought her to church today. We are thankful for repairs in progress to the baptistry.
Kelly prays for everything to work out as she is living with Shelly now. Keep praying for Perry as he fights the cancer. Karen asks prayer for her granddaughter who is a missionary at seventeen Keep praying for Brenda’s cousin who has cancer. Her name is Judy. Cathy asks prayer for a young relative named Lucian who carries a genetic defect that could cause health and developmental problems. Kelly asks prayer for a friend Stephanie (I think I heard that right) who is sick . Shelly is very sick. She just got out of the hospital yesterday. Cindy asks prayer in her job. Pray for Karen who will at some point need a dangerous surgery that may result in paralysis.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 7
Cindy is thankful to have finished work on her house. Kelly has a better place to live. We’re delighted to have Didi back! She thanks everyone for praying for her. Cathy’s cousin is recovering well from back surgery. Cathy thanks God for a new car with working A/C. Anita is thankful for a good report from her doctor. Jana rejoices in a good week and a good day.
Shelly is in the hospital. Priscilla’s son-in-law John is also in the hospital. Ruth asks prayer for Dr. B. who has been in the hospital. Ruth asks prayer for her friend who may need surgery and hhas to make a decision. Pray for Edith who is still having trouble sleeping and what they gave her is producing side effects. Keep praying for Perry Fleman. His health is failing. Karen is also having trouble with medications. Pray for brenda’s cousin Judy. Brenda is still having trouble with her shoulder. Pray for Annette and Kay. Keep praying for Didi as she continues to work out her living arrangements.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 31
Shelly praises God for opportunities and the people in her life. Jana thanks the Lord for family time and her nephew’s graduation. Cathy thanks God that her cousin Lois had a successful surgery. Cathy also delights in a relative’s graduation and scholarship. Cindy is thankful to have work done on the house for the grandchildren. Kelly is thankful to be getting stronger. Pam rejoices in time spent with good friends and for restoration of relationships. Jana is glad for opportunity to work with school children. We are thankful for the rain and thankful that it is ending.
Shelly reminds us to keep praying for Kimi and says that Pris is also not feeling well. Pray for the country and its leaders. Pray for those suffering from the flooding and storms and help if you can. Pam asks prayer for Chris’s mother Carol and sister Deborah. Keep praying for Perry. Brenda asks prayer for her friend Ann. Her husband Rob is recovering after cancer surgery. Her mother also has cancer. Brenda also has a cousin with cancer. Her shoulder is better but still hurting her.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 24
Kelly is visibly moving her legs better. Ruth’s doctor said her eye is better and she will not need shots. Little Kingston is doing better. Priscilla said the bleeding behind her eye has reduced substantially. She got some assistance with the medication she will need. Clark got his medication and is doing better. Shelly may have a job. Cathy’s knee is better after a shot. Debra thanks the Lord that her shoulder is no longer hurting and she hasn’t needed more than one shot. She is moving better.
Keep praying for Brenda’s shoulder. Perry Fleman is not doing well after they stopped chemo. Ruth asks prayer for a friend of her cousin named Karen who is having trouble with vision. She has another acquaintence with colon cancer. Kelly wants us to keep praying for her. Shelly reminds us to pray for all of those affected by the recent weather. Kimi has fluid in her ears and still needs our prayers. Keep praying for Shelly and Clark. Cathy asks us to pray for all of those currently serving in the military on this Memorial day. Brenda asks prayer for her cousin Judy and Brenda’s uncle. Her coworker has cancer on his back. Pray also for Priscilla’s ears. She’s still having problems with them after the eardrums burst. Keep praying for Didi.