Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of February 10
Dede is not feeling well and wants prayer for heeling. Keep praying for peace and healing for Don. Edith asks prayer for the family of a young man who was killed at the hospital where she works whose funeral is being held today. Pray for peace in April’s family. Pray for her mother Lois who will need cateract surgery. Pray for Lupe who wanted to come today but has become ill from something she ate. Pray fore the Harrison family, Priscillas relatives who just experienced a death in the family. Keep praying for Linda to get stronger. We want her back next week!
I missed at least one. Feel free to add more. Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of January 13
Pray for April’s family after her great aunt has passed away and they need money for a funeral. Keep praying for Mary Ellen. She is stil hospitalized but they do not know what is wrong with her. Jana wants us to keep praying for her family. Remember our pastor who couldn’t be with us today because of the flu.
Be blessed this week and do what you can!
Special Prayer Request
Ruth’s sister Mary Ellen had a mild heart attack. Please pray for healing and strength for Mary Ellen
& Ruth and their entire family.
And please pray for our fearless leader Pastor David who is under attack from the flu virus that is
now considered an epidemic. Lord may Pastor’s suffering be minimized and healing be maximized.
In His Accessible Grace,
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of December 30
Don will have his medical testing on Thursday. Ruth is still feeling ill and wasn’t able to be with us. Benny had to stay in the hospital due to a negative response to medications.
As we close out this year, it’s great to see so many things that we are thankful for. I hope that we’ll see an even longer list next year.
Update on Ruth
Pray for Ruth
Pam left a message this morning at around 10:00 that ruth is in the hospital with chest pains. That’s all we know at the moment. More when we have it.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 23
Anita asks prayer for a sick aunt. Don is going in January for more medical tests. Pray for Brenda’s daughter Sarah and for Brenda who is suffering from illness. Pray for Sandra’s friend Michelle who is trying to get a church prepared that is in great need.
Be a blessing this week as we have been blessed.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 16
Pray for Lupe’s cousin s family, the Flore family, after losing members. Benny’s surgery is Wednesday. He’ll be back in the hospital next week for a medication change. Pray for Chuck and Sarah. Pray for the family of Linda’s uncle Frank who passed away recently. Pray for Priscilla’s parents who will both be undergoing surgeries this week. Pray for the families of those who were killed in Connecticut last Friday. Sarah asks that we pray for her daughter Madaline who she hasn’t heard from.
I pray that during this special time we will be extra thankful for all that God has given to us and will share it with those around us.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 9